WPRA National Finals Rodeo Playoff Series

National Finals Rodeo Playoff Series Logo

The WPRA National Finals Rodeo (NFR) Playoff Series Standings will be a points-based system for contestants at each qualifying Series Rodeo. There will be three levels of Series points based on the total payout at a Playoff Series Rodeo.

Points will be distributed for placings 1-40 for Series Rodeos. Contestants will be ranked by highest scores/ fastest times at the conclusion of the rodeo. At a Series Rodeo with two or more go rounds points will be distributed based on the average. Contestants that do not have a score/time will not receive Series points.

 Tournament format rodeos will have points assigned based on the progression in the rodeo. Contestants will be ranked by farthest progression in the tournament 1-40. Contestants that make the finals will be ranked by highest score/fastest time in the finals round. Contestants with no score/time in the Finals will be ranked by the highest score/fastest time in the semi-finals. After contestants in the finals round are ranked and assigned points, contestants in the semi-finals round will be ranked by highest score/fastest time in the semi-finals round. Contestants in the semifinals with no score/time will be ranked by the long rounds. After contestants in the finals and semi-finals round are ranked and assigned points, contestants in the long go rounds will be ranked by total highest score/fastest total time and assigned relevant remaining points available.

Contestants who turn out of these events will be assessed a 50 -point deduction per Playoff Series Rodeo turned out.

Playoff Series Rodeo Conflict Due to Qualification in Progressive Go-Round or Finals. A contestant who qualifies for a progressive go-round or finals at a Playoff Series Rodeo and is directly conflicted at another Playoff Series Rodeo at which she has not competed will be allowed to draw out of the conflicting rodeo and not be penalized the Playoff Series Rodeo 50 point deduction. 

For more information, see https://www.wpra.com/nfr-playoff-series.

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