Privacy Policy



Oakley City cares about your privacy.  We use the minimal extent of information needed to provide you with the services you request. We safeguard your data and we do not monetize it or improperly share it.  The purpose of this policy is to inform those accessing Oakley City website(s) about the collection and use of the personally identifiable information of its users. 


This privacy policy statement applies to all Oakley City Websites.

who we are and how to reach us: 

Oakley City Administrative staff operate this governmental website with the assistance of our contracted third-party vendors. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us:

Phone: (435)783-5734



what personally identifiable information do we collect?:

For the purposes of this policy "personally identifiable information" means any information collected online that could serve to identify an individual such as: 

  • First and Last Name
  • Physical Address
  • Mailing Address
  • Email Address
  • Telephone Number(s)
  • Credit Card Information
  • Account Number
  • Bank Account Information
  • Government Issued Identification
  • Any combination of personal information that could be used to determine identity.

In addition, the following information may be automatically collected and retained if you look or search through our web pages, or download information: 

  • The internet domain and Internet Protocol (IP) address of the computer you are using to access our site
  • The type of browser and operating system used to visit our site
  • The date and time of when you access our site; and
  • Which portions of the website you visit.


how we use your information:

To perform specialized services, the city may require personally identifiable information from you in order to perform those requested services.

Data collected from visiting our website(s) serves as a part of our statistical analysis about the use of our website(s) so we may better design online services and improve access to them. 

Except where specified, you do not have to provide personally identifiable information to visit or download information from Oakley City's website(s).  We do not use or place spyware on your computer. 


access and corrections:

You have the right to access and correct your information.  If you notice that the information is incorrect, please contact the Oakley City Administrative Offices: 

     Phone: (435783-5734



disclosure practices: 

We care about your privacy.  We only share information when necessary.

Personally identifiable information provided to Oakley City website(s) will be used solely by Oakley City, its entities, and third-party agents with whom the City has contracted to perform a City function on its behalf and will not be disclosed unless otherwise required by law.  


keeping your information secure:

Your data's safety is our priority.  Oakley City has taken precautions to protect personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, or alteration.  Any authorized third parties  responsible for this information are committed to the same principles and are required by contract to follow the same policies and guidelines as Oakley City in protecting this information.  

Visitors should be aware, however, that even though protections are in place, Oakley City cannot guarantee against the occurrence of hardware failure, unauthorized intrusion, or other technical problems. 

Oakley City also reserves the right to use any legally appropriate measures to prevent, monitor, and investigate any attempt to deface, delete, or otherwise tamper with or abuse an Oakley City website, server, database, information system or other Oakley City technology asset. 


non-oakley city websites: 

The Oakley City Website does provide links to various outside or third party websites through Oakley City web pages.  Many of these sites, particularly those in the private sector, may not be subject to GRAMA, or other sections of the Utah State Code or federal law.  Those visiting external sites are advised to check the applicable privacy statement and be cautious about providing personally identifiable information without a clear understanding of how the information will be used.  Oakley City is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of external sites.  


note on records classification and public records provisions: 

personally identifiable information shall be subject to Utah Code Section 63G-Chapter 2, of the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA).  Access to government records is governed by this Act. 


review of this notice: 

We want you to feel comfortable using our services, knowing that your privacy is respected and protected.  We welcome your feedback on this notice, which is reviewed annually. 

Last Revision: February 2024